

What is a Rock?

A rock is a natural substance made up of one or more minerals. Minerals are the building blocks of rocks, like bricks in a house. You can find rocks almost everywhere on Earth, from deep under the sea to high up in the mountains.

Types of Rocks

There are three main types of rocks – igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. They’re formed in different ways, and each has its own unique characteristics.

  • Igneous Rocks: These rocks are formed when molten rock, or magma, cools down and hardens. This can happen either inside the Earth or on the surface when a volcano erupts. Examples of igneous rocks include granite and basalt. Did you know that the famous sculptures on Easter Island were carved from a type of igneous rock?
  • Sedimentary Rocks: These rocks are formed when tiny pieces of rocks, plants, or animals are compressed together over millions of years. If you look closely at a sedimentary rock, you might see layers, just like a cake! Examples of sedimentary rocks include sandstone and limestone. Fossils are often found in sedimentary rocks.
  • Metamorphic Rocks: These rocks are formed when igneous or sedimentary rocks are changed by heat and pressure deep within the Earth. The word ‘metamorphic’ comes from the Greek words ‘meta’ (change) and ‘morph’ (form). Examples of metamorphic rocks include marble and slate. Many famous statues and buildings are made from marble because it’s so beautiful!

Why Are Rocks Important?

Rocks are very important for many reasons. They have been used by humans for thousands of years to make tools, build houses, and create art. Today, we use rocks for even more things, like making cement, glass, and even some medicines!

Rocks also tell us a lot about the Earth’s history. By studying different types of rocks and the fossils they contain, scientists can learn about what the Earth was like millions or even billions of years ago.